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vitetm4500 0 Ads

The beauty industry has seen it all when it comes to lashes—magnifying mascaras, “miracle” growth serums, heated curlers—you name it. But no trend is quite as polarizing as eyelash extensions. When extensions first hit the mainstream market, it…

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pp2021dd28 0 Ads

What Are the Applications of LED Downlights in Homes and Businesses? LED downlight, also known as can lights or recessed lights, is embedded into the ceiling to become a seamless accessory in any room. While you might be fond of this sleek look, you…

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p2014dd27 0 Ads

Cook Your Meat in a Beer Cooler By this point, there is absolutely no question that the method of cooking foods at precise low-temperatures in vacuum-sealed pouches (commonly referred to as "sous-vide") has revolutionized fine-dining…

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