About Us

Reinvent Australia’s focus is the nation’s competitiveness and the quality of life of all Australians.

We’re not a political party, nor an activist group. Rather we’re an influencer, an opinion shaper and an igniter of debate.

We run events and host conversations, from speakers and panels, right through to conferences around topics relevant to Australia’s interests.

Without fear or favour, we’re in the business of informing, educating and shaping the opinions of individual Australians on issues central to our collective future.

How We Started

2014 could be well remembered as the year in which the “end of the mining boom” became apparent to Australians. Many people in the business and broader community began expressing concerns about the future of Australia and the need for a vision – one to be embraced and communicated by our leaders.

Inspired by a question raised initially by Dr Graham Kenny in a LinkedIn Discussion Group of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, ( “Does Australia need a national strategic plan?” ), a group of 17 unaffiliated individuals from the Australian business and industry community met in Sydney on June 20, 2014. The aim was to address the issue.

Over the ensuing months and led by Graham, this question and the process of strategic planning was discussed by the group reviewing a range of recent strategic planning initiatives undertaken by various state governments in Australia (i.e. South Australia, Qld and NSW).

In February 2015, the group decided to bring together formally the business and community aspirations for developing a new vision for Australia by establishing a not-for-profit association. Hence on the 27th of that month Reinvent Australia Inc was established under the NSW Associations Incorporation Act 2009.

This website was launched on August 1, 2015.


PO Box 702 Mosman NSW 2088
