Probus is an acronym for Pro(fessional) and Bus(iness), Retirement can come too early for many people who want to and are able to remain active. PROBUS is an association that was originally set upfor active people who have retired from their PROfessions or BUSinesses, both men & women, who join together in clubs, the basic purpose of which is to provide regular opportunities for them to keep their minds active, expand their interests and to enjoy the fellowship of new friends, now it has come of age and is for all senior members of the community, and for those no longer working full time, to join together in clubs for a new lease of life Each Probus club is sponsored by a Rotary Club and meets at least once a month. Maroubra Bay is a Combined Probus Club, that means that we have male & females members, we meet at Juniors @The Junction, Corner Haig Street & Anzac Parade. Maroubra 2035 at 10.30am on the 4th Thursday of the Month, after a morning tea break we always have a very interesting guest speaker, topics covered are varied. we have monthly day trips, theatre parties and for those who like to travel the opporunity of extended trips, we are in contact with other Probus Clubs in the area, our members can also go to their outings & events. Why not visit our next meeting and see if Probus is for you. Everyone is welcome To Chat Contact Rex on 0418 233 530
Juniors @The Junction, Corner Haig Street & Anzac Parade. Maroubra 2035